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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rotation Experience

Here at Presbyterian School of Pharmacy, you start your first rotation the spring semester of your P1 year, in the retail setting, and you continue to do 2 locations per semester, once weekly. As a P1 I got to see 2 very different retail settings, a large chain pharmacy and an independent pharmacy.  I cannot even explain how much information made more sense after my time at each location! “Ah-ha” moments galore!

As a P2, your rotations shift from community retail settings to hospital pharmacy. I honestly, was not excited. I’ve always thought of myself as a retail or corporate pharmacist, pretty much set on a distinct path! Then, I started a rotation at Newberry Hospital and I LOVE EVERYTHING about it.  I thank my school every day for pushing me into these new experiences of pharmacy, because I almost missed out on a great career opportunity due to having a closed mind!

At this rotation, I am treated as a team member and I really feel encouraged to learn and participate! They have shown me what’s it like to play a providers role as a pharmacist and it’s been awesome! From counseling patients on anticoagulant therapy at discharge to preparing IV solutions STAT for the emergency department, I have been encouraged to learn!

Rotations are a great motivator in the middle of a hectic week and guess what? Your preceptors, they’ve been in your shoes! They understand what’s it like and they are more than willing to provide extra encouragement or even reinforcement that assures you becoming a pharmacist, was the right decision!

P2 - Class of 2017

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