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Friday, October 17, 2014

Clinical Skills Challenge

Hello, my name is Caleb, and I am a third year pharmacy student at the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy.  Last month, I had the privilege to compete in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s (ACCP) National Clinical Pharmacy Challenge.  To make the team which represented our school in the national competition, I had to compete in the local round, which was a timed written exam composed of trivia questions, clinical case applications, and jeopardy-styled questions.  I was fortunate to be one of the top three scorers on the local exam and was able to advance to compete in the national competition with my team mates, Jason and Steven, who are both fourth year pharmacy students at the PC School of Pharmacy. 

The composition of the quizzes administered during the national rounds of the competition were very similar to the one given at the local round; it was timed, and the three sections of the quiz remained the same.  However, these rounds were online, and it definitely made it a little more interesting, especially when our computer froze in the middle of the clinical case applications section in the third round! 

Our team successfully maneuvered through multiple rounds of the competition, which began with 104 teams.  We made it into the top 64, the top 32, the top 16, and we competed for one of the top 8 slots.  We didn’t qualify for one of the top 8 slots that will compete live at the ACCP annual meeting this month in Austin, Texas, but our team did exceptionally well, and we have received a lot of recognition from our adviser during the competition, Dr. Jaime Foushee, as well as many of the pharmacy practice faculty and administration here at the PC School of Pharmacy.

P3 - Class of 2016

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