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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Preparing for Finals

My first semester in pharmacy school I was so nervous for finals week.  I had no idea how I was going to study for cumulative finals in multiple classes to be taken within the same week.  Throughout my time here at PC I have been able to talk with other students and professors to learn some helpful ways to study for finals.

The way PC sets up the curriculum, finals week is not a challenge course wise if you keep up with the material throughout the semester.  If you learn better by making flashcards or study guides, I recommend making them for each section you are learning at that time.  This will allow you to have the information in a condensed and organized form to study from.  The material really does build upon itself so if there is something you are unsure of when a professor is explaining it, do not be afraid to ask!  Clarifying material early on will help you to remember it better and have less to learn or relearn for when it comes time for finals.  I found that it is very beneficial to keep on top of your material.  For example, even if exams may not be cumulative throughout the year, go back and review previous material.  Doing so will help you study a little at a time instead of trying to study everything all at once for the final.

Finals week may be more stressful for some than others so take time out for yourself if you need to.  Go for a hike, see a movie, or have dinner with family and friends.  Pharmacy school is a wonderful time.  Try not to be too stressed when it comes to finals week, everyone here at PC is here to help!

P1 - Class of 2018

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