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Friday, April 24, 2015

Finals Week

FINALS week in pharmacy school can be very hectic.  I often find myself thinking back to my undergraduate days of final week and remembering how great that was.  If a student in my classes worked really hard during the year and had a 90 or higher a lot of professors would allow you to skip the final if you were okay with your current grade.  In pharmacy school, there is no skipping a final.  If you go into finals with a 100 or a 60 you still have to take the final.  Cramming in pharmacy school will do no good there is simply too much information to wait until a few days before to study.  I would recommend making study guides for each topic as you go throughout the year, and then maybe a week or two weeks before finals you can go back and look over all your previously made study guides.  When I do this I notice how quickly the older material comes back to me and I find that studying for the final this way is easier for me.  What works for me may not work for you, but I can promise you cramming will not work.  No doubt you will develop your method of reviewing older material and new material during your first finals week.  If you have any questions about this article or questions about school in general please feel free to email me at castaggs@presby.edu.

P2 - Class of 2017

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