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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Attendance at Professional Meetings

At Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, attendance of at least one professional meeting is a requirement. This may seem daunting due to the fact that as a P1 or P2, you may not know much about the profession as a whole or how to network with pharmacy preceptors. However, after attending your first meeting, you will see that they are exciting and a great learning experience! As a P1, my classmates and I attended our first meeting as a group, and this definitely helped relieve our nervousness. Going as a group made it easier to feel more comfortable in a large crowd. As a P2, you will probably try to find a meeting targeted toward your interest. Actually, as a P2, I have already been to two professional meetings this year. One was a “social night”, and it was just a laid-back way for students from different colleges of pharmacy to interact and also network with professors at different schools and preceptors. Then, I attended the SCSHP Fall Meeting, which was very informative on health-system pharmacy. At this meeting students did a workshop on professionalism and had a panel of residents discuss the ASHP Midyear Meeting. Furthermore, students got to watch their fellow classmates compete in the Clinical Skills Competition. That was a wonderful experience especially since two of our own PCSP students won! Hence professional meetings are meant to provide education on pharmacy as a profession and also, assist students in working on their networking skills, and provide a chance for students to get involved in their pharmacy area of choice. 

P2 - Class of 2017

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