Welcome to the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy blog!

Friday, May 22, 2015


Congratulations! You got accepted into Presbyterian College’s School of Pharmacy. Now what? It is time to find a roommate!

Unlike your freshman year of college, you actually get to pick this roommate. My suggestion? Choose wisely! A roommate is not just a person you live with, share a house with, or buy groceries with. It is someone who goes on this journey with you, someone who knows what you will be going through.

I was blessed to find a great roommate and I am very thankful for her. She is not only my roommate, but also a close friend. We study, laugh, cry, and watch television together.

Use the Facebook housing page, talk to members of your class, talk to P2s and P3s; find the person who fits you best! Good luck and I can’t wait to see each one of you in the fall!

Jessica, P3