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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

It is the end of November and that can only mean one thing….Thanksgiving break is here! Most of the first semester of my first year in pharmacy school is over, and only two more weeks to go.  Although a lot of hard work is behind me, there are still final projects due and final exams to take throughout these next two weeks.

Besides the time I plan for studious activities, I will be spending some time getting some chores done around the house before I travel for the holidays.  I will be traveling to Greenville to join my family, most of whom are from Florida.  I am very fortunate, because I rarely ever get to see them.  Thanksgiving is full of traditions in our house.  We will be enjoying corn hole, Frisbee, and watching some football.  After enjoying a face full and a half of thanksgiving food, I plan on being in a food coma for the rest of the night.  After enjoying a couple of days full of family and great food, I will be heading back to Clinton to get back to my studies.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Thank you for viewing my post!

Written by Ryan Ridgeway, P1 Student

Monday, November 18, 2013

Orientation Week

My name is Kayla Bradley and I am a P1 student. Prospective students are always worried about making new friends or adjusting to a new city. I can honestly say that orientation week helped prepare me and took some of the nerves away from starting a professional program. Various activities were planned throughout the week and involved interaction with other classmates and professors. One day consisted of a scavenger hunt on the main campus. Another day, the entire class traveled to Spartanburg and visited QS1 Pharmacy & HME Software and Smith Drugs. Personally, I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt. I completed this task with my study group and this was a great bonding experience. We learned a little bit about each other and why we chose pharmacy as a career path.
Along with meeting and interacting with my study group, I also got the chance to meet with my advisor and advising group. Orientation allowed me to meet new friends and interact with my professors and other staff members before the official start of classes. I was able to learn more about the resources available to me as a PC student. I was very anxious to start my first day as a professional student after all of the orientation activities!

Written by Kayla, P1 Student

Monday, November 11, 2013

Relaxing in Clinton

I was always told by my uncle to take time out to relax.  After a test I make that my #1 priority.  The town of Clinton has numerous opportunities to wind down after a test.  You may go bowling or to the gym.  If you are a history buff then you may go to the Musgrove Mill State Park which is the location of the Revolutionary War Battle of Musgrove Mill. Sometimes, I need a change of scenery and drive to Spartanburg (~30mins away) or Greenville (~45mins away).  However, this time I decided to stay in Clinton.  I walked from PCSP to downtown Clinton.  I went to Yo’Cup the local yogurt and coffee house.  I walked in and received a warm welcome.  Within seconds, I acquired a cozy hometown feeling.   I walked around and admired the different flavors of yogurt. Some of the flavors that caught my attention were peanut butter, cookies and cream, dreamy chocolate, pumpkin pie, watermelon, and blueberry tart.  I decided to pick something that reminded me of my hometown (Lexington, N.C.). I picked the Pumpkin Pie Yogurt. One word “YUMM”.  I highly recommend going to downtown Clinton and if you are in the mood for something sweet go to Yo’Cup.

Thank-you for viewing my blog post and always make time for dessert. 
Written by Tramaine, P3 student